Oceana - Midway Manor Youth Center



As a parent, having a safe place for your children to go before and after school, provides you with peace of mind to fulfill career, school, or volunteer responsibilities. Our School Age Care (SAC) programs are designed to do just that. This highly structured recreational and educational program provides youth with age-appropriate before and after-school activities, as well as holiday and summer day camps for youth ages five years (and enrolled in kindergarten) - 12 years of age.

The Council on Accreditation accredits our programs and certified annually by the Commander, Navy Installation Command (CNIC) and Department of the Navy (DoN). Our staff members receive the extensive training required for providing the highest quality out-of-school experience. Child & Youth Programs (CYP) is an active partner with the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and the 4-H Youth Development Organization.

If you would like to enroll your child, you must first go online to Military Child Care (MCC) at militarychildcare.com. Once on the waitlist, you will be contacted as soon as space becomes available. Fees are based on total family income.


The Navy hourly care program is designed to support families’ need for short-term, intermittent childcare. Hourly childcare is available to eligible patrons to include:  active duty military, reservists, DoD civilians, and DoD contractors.

Reservations can be made up to 30 days in advance. Space is limited and reservations are taken on a "first-come, first-served" basis. Drop-in care will be available on a space-available basis only.

Before using this service, please complete an information packet, including:

  •  Registration Form
  •  Health Forms / Family Profile Sheet
  •  Hourly Agreement Form
  •  Copy of Immunization Records (required if not in public schools)
  •  Medical Forms (if child has allergies or requires medications)

Forms are available at all locations. Submit your packet to the location where you would like to receive care. Hourly care is $4/hour/child.


The Youth Sports program at NSA Oceana and Dam Neck Annex is a recreational program focused on participation and the development of a passion for active lifestyles. Three and four-year-olds participate in a Start Smart parent participation program that teaches the motor skills required for future sport participation. All other sports participants can look forward to leagues, camps, clinics, special events, and clubs. All sports activities work on teamwork, sportsmanship and skill development while focusing on having fun in an atmosphere of encouragement. 

It’s also important to know what our program is not. It's not a competitive league. We are not a training ground for high school or stateside travel teams. We are not a program that wants to know who's the best - we want each of our kids to play, have fun, and make sports an ongoing, positive experience in their lives.

Programs offered are throughout the year in both traditional and non-traditional sports. The Youth Sports program is always looking for volunteer coaches as well.

Some current sports include:

  • Track
  • Basketball
  •  Flag Football
  • Soccer
  • Cheerleading
  • Baseball

Also, our newest facility, The All Sports Zone, offers a wide range of activities to include batting cages, indoor put-put, basketball, 3d Golf, pool tables, workout equipment and more. This facility is located on NAS Oceana in building 531.


Our teen center is open to eligible family members of active duty, retirees, DoD civilians, and DoD contractors. After becoming a member of our program, youth ages 13-18 (And Still in School) can participate in teen-driven activities that focus and contribute to the community which increases goal setting for their future

  • Community/ Volunteer Service
  • Fundraising
  • Keystone Leadership Program
  • Academic Success
  • High Adventure Fieldtrips

MWR CYP involves 100% teen input, where their feedback is important for future events. During no school days and the CYP Summer Program, teens go on recreational trips around Virginia Beach to places including paintball parks, rope courses, zip-lining, Ocean Breeze, and campus tours. We also have lots of cool events for teens right here at our center, like movie days, running club, hiking excursions, host ice-cream socials, and have Nerf wars...

Memberships for our program is free and registration is taken directly at the facility. Some fees will apply for field trips and special events.

SAC Hours of Operation 5 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday

Teen Program hours vary depending on trips and tour availability. Please contact the center by phone or email for updates and availability.

Contact us at 757-444-1007

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