Navy Family Housing
Accompanied personnel have the option to reside in Public-Private Venture (PPV) family housing or in the local community. Check-in at the local Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) upon arrival to the installation. The HSC staff will assist with all of your home-finding needs.
New Resources Available: If you are looking at renting or buying a home in the local community, there are new resources available on the Community Housing PageNavy Family Housing Locations
Navy Privatized Housing
The Navy is proud to offer our Service Members and their families the opportunity to live in privatized or Public Private Venture (PPV) family housing communities. PPV housing provides the opportunity to live in a predominantly military community through a partnership of the Navy with a private sector management company. This approach provides a professional property management staff to respond to day-to-day maintenance and operations while teaming with the Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) staff to provide Service Member advocacy services and support.
The local HSC processes applications and refers personnel to the PPV property management company. The property management company assigns personnel to PPV housing and should be contacted for maintenance and resident matters. However, the HSC is your advocate, and you should contact them if you are not satisfied.
Resident Eligibility & Requirements
Active-duty military personnel with dependents are eligible and are the primary residents of family privatized housing. If you desire to live in privatized housing or are considering it, the local Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) will process the housing application and refer you to the private property management company that manages the privatized housing units.
There are several ways to receive information about privatized housing:
Obtain Hot Sheets. Each privatized partner provides a hot sheet of available units and special incentives for each installation. Refer to any HSC to obtain the most recent hot sheet for your area of interest.
To receive advance information about privatized housing at a prospective duty station, Service Members have the option to submit an advance housing application using the Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT); this tool will interact with the HSC who will share your information with the local partner if you choose that option on the form.
Benefits of Choosing Navy Privatized Housing:
Opportunity to pay rent with allotment
No security deposits for Service Members when rent is paid by allotment
No application or credit check fees
Lease cannot be denied to a Service Member due to a negative credit check
Free community events for families and children
Community Centers at most locations
Pools at many locations
Neighborhoods located on or close to installations
Maximum rent amount equals BAH (rents may be lower than BAH depending on the location)
Choice of 6- or 12-month initial lease term, with month to month thereafter (includes military clause)
A property management team that understands the military culture and challenges faced by military spouses and families
Navy Housing Service Centers (HSC) remain in place to assist Service Members and families by providing relevant information to make housing choices, process applications, manage waitlists, and advocate for Service Members and their families. The HSC staff is uniquely qualified to provide professional guidance in your home-finding experience and mediation with landlords if needed.
Service Members are encouraged to compare PPV housing with other rental options available prior to making a housing decision. In many cases, PPV provides a very competitive option with numerous benefits not found in other community rentals. It’s YOUR CHOICE – Let us help you understand all your options to make a well-informed decision.
PPV Housing Communities
Hampton Roads, VA Metro Area
JEB Little Creek
JEB Fort Story
Dam Neck Annex
NAS Oceana
NAVSTA Norfolk
NSA HR Headquarters
NSA HR Northwest
NSA HR Portsmouth
Norfolk Naval Shipyard
WPNSTA Yorktown
NSA Mechanicsburg
Colts Neck, NJ
Saratoga, NY
NSA Saratoga Springs
Newport, RI
NAVSTA Newport
Kittery, ME
Portsmouth Naval Shipyard
Groton, CT
SUBASE New London
Crane, IN
NSA Crane
Great Lakes, llinois
NAVSTA Great Lakes
Frequently Asked Questions About Privatization
This listing of FAQs reflects the most common military questions asked by military members and their families. The answers are provided from a Navywide corporate level. Some of the activity websites may include similar FAQs and the answers to those questions may vary slightly because of local differences in the PPV Projects.
Privatized housing is owned by a private entity and governed by a business agreement in which the Navy has limited rights & responsibilities. The private entity is entirely responsible for the construction, renovation, maintenance and day-to-day management of the housing. Privatized housing may be located on or off government property and may be former military housing.
All of the services: Navy/USMC, Army and Air Force privatized their housing. You can see all the locations that have been privatized on the OSD website.
Privatized housing offers several advantages over traditional military housing:
1. It relies on the private sector to provide housing services versus duplicating this function within the Navy and allows the Navy to focus on its core mission requirements
2. It eliminates the need to rely on annual Family Housing funding appropriations, which historically have not kept pace with the funding required to maintain our Navy housing
3. It attracts private investors to finance housing construction, renovations and maintenance which allows the Navy to reduce housing deficits, upgrade aging homes, and perform needed maintenance much quicker than through annual military family housing appropriations
A few of the similarities are:
1. Zero out of pocket expenses for residents; rent is based on BAH
2. You will continue to live in a military community
3. Government pays for the cost of moves into privatized units for eligible Service Members
4. You will continue to go to the Housing Service Center (HSC) for housing information
5. The HSC will receive your application for privatized housing and will refer you to the Property Management Company
Units are managed and operated by a private property management company.
1. You must sign a lease. The lease will include a “military clause”
2. You will receive BAH and pay rent directly to the property manager
3. The property management company handles all resident matters, including maintenance
All PPV Property Managers have a process to resolve delinquent payments. Resolution could include eviction for unpaid rent. Delinquent payments of rent in PPV housing could adversely affect your credit rating, just as any other history of late payments. This could result in a poor credit rating and denial of future credit requests.
Security deposits are not required if rent is paid by allotment. Pet deposits are not generally required in most privatized housing but there may be exceptions in some locations. Contact your local HSC for specifics of pet deposits.
Here are some resources for more information:
1. Contact Navy Housing Headquarters if you have any issues with privatized housing
Community Housing
The HSC maintains a current database of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes. Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability. The HSC assists with locating off-base housing in the local area, including:
- Basic allowance for housing
- Lease reviews
- Issue resolution
- Move-in or move-out inspections upon request
- Rental Partnership Program
- Short-term rental or lease information
It is DoD Policy to rely on the community as the primary source of housing for Service Members eligible to draw basic allowance for housing (BAH). Over 70% of active military members and their families live in the communities that neighbor our installations. To support this customer base, Navy Housing Service Centers (HSC) provide a full suite of community housing options, cost savings programs, and support services.
Home Finding Services for Home Buyers
The Navy Housing Service Centers (HSC) offer services to homeowners as well. Some of our locations have enlisted the help of volunteer realtors to give advice and access to their multiple listing services. The Navy HSC is also the first point of contact for those struggling to keep their home, as we maintain awareness of Federal and local homeowner assistance and relief programs.
Please visit Home Finding tab above for more information.

Navy Housing Rental Partnership Program
The Rental Partnership Program (RPP) is an agreement between the Housing Service Center (HSC) and community housing landlords and is designed to provide Service Members with suitable and affordable off-base housing and aid in defraying some of the costs incurred by relocation. Housing units which are offered in the RPP are evaluated, inspected and qualified to meet the highest standards by the Navy HSC. The RPP is available to both families and unaccompanied Service Members.
Tenant Eligibility & Requirements
Generally, all full-time active duty Service Members married or single and who are drawing BAH are eligible to participate in RPP:
Service Member is required to have a minimum of six months to one-year left on End of Active Obligated Service (EAOS) and Projected Rotation Date (PRD) (depending upon normal lease period for the area).
If single, Service Members E-4 and below with less than 4 years of active duty service must have approval from their current Command to live off base (BAH approval from the HSC is also required).
To get started with finding properties in the RPP, the Service Member should come to the HSC with their orders, Leave and Earnings Statement (LES), and a copy of their page 2 to be properly counseled on their eligibility and requirements.
Benefits to Tenants
The program offers Service Members special rental benefits. The RPP varies at each installation, and typical benefits may include:
Homes are inspected by our HSCs and pre-approved as suitable, safe and affordable for military members.
Discount on rental rates.
Waiver of or reduced security and utility deposit costs.
No or reduced application fee or credit check fee.
Rent payments via allotment.
No income requirements (as long as Service Member is receiving BAH in accordance with his or her current rank).
Lease cannot be denied to a Service Member due to a negative credit check (only a poor reference from a previous landlord).
Landlord Eligibility & Requirments
Homeowners, landlords, and property managers are encouraged to learn more about enrolling in the RPP by discussing it with their local Navy HSC. Flexibility is offered to the landlord, but the following rules must be met in order to participate:
Landlord has a clean record with the HSC.
The property meets codes and CNIC listings inspection requirements.
Willing to offer a discount in rent (this varies by location, but is usually 5-15% off the advertised rate).
Willing to sign a memorandum of agreement (MOA) to the RPP terms.
Understands that the RPP does not and cannot guarantee occupancy.
Benefits to the Landlord/Property Manager
The goal of the RPP is to have both the tenant AND landlord benefit, making this a mutually beneficial arrangement. The RPP varies at each installation, and typical benefits may include:
Expanded marketing (listing of RPP properties given to Service Members, etc.) of the property by the HSC.
Applicants must have permanent orders for the minimum negotiated lease period at the arriving duty station.
Rent must be paid by allotment.
Eligibility for housing verified through HSC.
To find out whether your installation participates in the RPP program, and to find out program specifics in your area, contact your local Navy HSC.
Rental Partnership Program FAQs
There is no application or administration fee associated with RPP Housing. However, the landlord may charge a reservation fee of up to $100 to hold a housing unit. The reservation fee will be applied towards the first month’s rent. If for some reason the Service Member does not qualify, the fee will be returned.
No, there is an established RPP rate that is not based on rank.
You cannot be denied because of your credit history.
RPP does not dictate landlord pet policy. Individual landlords may require additional pet fees.
All active-duty Service Members, married or single with a minimum of 180 days remaining prior to EAOS and PRD are eligible.
The Service Member must provide orders and a Leave and Earnings Statement (LES) to the Navy Housing Service Center (HSC). The Service Member must have a minimum of 180 days remaining prior to EAOS and PRD. If single and E-4 or below, the Service Member must have approval from the Command to live off-base. The Service Member must complete a counseling session in person or over the phone with the HSC. When counseling has been completed, the Service Member will receive a letter of eligibility, which is presented to the landlord, authorizing participation in the Rental Partnership Program.
It is up to the individual management companies to release a member from their current lease to participate in this program. The Service Member can participate in the RPP at the end of the original lease term by signing a new lease. If the Service Member decides to participate in the RPP, the landlord must refund the security deposit within 30 days. Rent would be the negotiated RPP rate.
Applying for Housing
You can apply for military housing at any time; however, your application cannot be fully processed until you have provided all of the required documents (see below). You can apply for housing in person at your installations Navy Housing Service Center (HSC), over the phone, fax, email, or through the Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT). Because of the amount of paperwork and signatures required to secure military housing, it is likely that several communications with the HSC will be required regardless of the method used to apply.
Required Documents
If you are applying to Navy-owned or privatized housing please make sure you provide the following documents to the HSC:
Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders stamped with the actual departure date, DUINS, or Change of Homeport Certificate (CHC)
Dependent certification documents which may include:
NAVPERS 1070/602: Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data Form (USN: Page 2, USMC, USA & USAF: DD Form 93, USCG: 4170), often referred to as a Page 2 or DD Form 93
DD1172: Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card, DEERS Enrollment
Overseas locations may use the member’s dependent entry approval message to verify the status of dependents
Custody Papers (for dependent children residing in home >6 months)
Dual Military: Provide documentation (orders & page 2) for spouse
Proof of Pregnancy with estimated due date noted by doctor
Power of Attorney (required if spouse or representative is completing application)
Eligibility & Waitlists
Most housing eligibility factors outlined below are verified by our counselors using the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) and we are not able to make exceptions if this information is incorrect. It is imperative that military members keep their DEERS record accurate for smooth housing eligibility determinations. You can access and update your DEERS record through MilConnect.
Generally, the following personnel are eligible for family housing:
Military personnel with one or more dependents
DoD civilian employees
DoD-sponsored civilian employees
On Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders or Duty Under Instruction (DUINS), eligibility does not ensure availability of or assignment to military housing. Other personnel may be eligible for military housing including unaccompanied or pregnant military members, Coast Guard, etc., based on military housing availability and other local conditions.
Navy Housing has set minimum bedroom standards for the home based on both pay grade and family size/composition. This is dependent upon inventory availability at a local installation. Minimum standards based on pay grade are:
Officers/Senior Enlisted
Enlisted Personnel (E1-E6)
Bedroom eligibility for enlisted personnel is based on family composition. Where inventory permits, families will be eligible for one bedroom per child and a separate bedroom for dependent parents. Navy Housing’s general guidelines include:
Parents should not share rooms with children
There should be no more than two children per room
Children 6 or older should not have to share a room with members of the opposite sex
Children 10 or older are eligible for a separate bedroom
Special Circumstances
Navy Housing recognizes that families such as single parents, dual military married couples, and dependent parents, exist and there is a need to accommodate them. Special considerations are made based on availability and local policy. You will need to check with your local Housing Service Center (HSC) to determine whether you are eligible for military housing at a particular installation. Examples of possible special considerations are:
Have Questions? Visit our FAQs!
Assignment Process
Once the required documents have been submitted, you will be placed in a queue for housing until you are within 30-45 days of your arrival. For planning purposes, Navy Housing (for Navy-owned) and our Partners (for privatized) do not typically reserve homes for greater than 30 days. Your local Navy HSC can tell you when they begin assigning homes, as this may vary by installation.
If military housing is readily available within your timeframe, an offer for housing will be made by the appropriate housing office—Navy Housing for Navy-owned and Partners for privatized housing—based on eligibility and assignment priorities and procedures.
If housing is not readily available, or you are seeking a specific neighborhood that does not have homes readily available, you will be placed on a wait list for housing by Navy Housing based on your eligibility and assignment priorities until a home becomes available.
To learn more about assignment priorities and wait lists for military housing, please the Understanding Wait Lists tab above.
Housing is assigned by the applicant’s assignment priority, which is a combination of their “control date” and priority categorization.
Control Date
The control date is generally the military member’s actual date of detachment stamped on PCS orders.
* Note that your actual date of departure stamped on your PCS orders, not your estimated date of departure, determines your control date. Assignment priorities can be made with estimated date of departure, but your position on a wait list (if applicable) may change if the dates are different.
Priority Categorization
All applicants fit into a priority; this prioritization is in place to ensure priority to military members and provide those with the greatest need for military housing a reasonable timeframe for obtaining it.
Have Questions? Visit our FAQs!
Understanding Wait Lists
Wait lists are the single most confusing part of the assignment to housing for our customers. This page is intended to help you understand Navy Housing’s policies and procedures, which are in place to provide fairness and equity in housing. Housing is by its nature a local concern, so local rules may be in place that further restrict how the wait list is managed beyond what is in CNIC-wide policy. Please contact your local Navy HSC to ensure you have the most accurate information for your installation.
The control date is set as follows:
Military Member: The control date will be the date of detachment from the last permanent duty station
Civilian Employees: The control date is the effective date of transfer as shown on the Notification of Personnel Action (SF50)
Military Members with equal bedroom entitlement and the same control date: In cases of Service Members of equal grade and date of rank applying for housing at the same time, the Service Member with the greatest length of service will precede the other on the waiting list. When Service Members are of unequal grade, the more senior Service Member will take precedence
Being on a wait list does not guarantee that housing will be available when you arrive. When your assignment priority is established, you will be given a wait list position (which tells you the number of people in front of you on the wait list). Note that if you were provided a wait list position based on your estimated departure date, your assignment priority may change when your actual departure date is provided, and consequently your position on the wait list.
The wait list is not static and your position may change in both directions until you reach the freeze zone.
Your position on the wait list may move up for a variety of reasons. Some examples include:
Those above you have been assigned housing
Those above you on the wait list defer assignment to military housing due to personal circumstances (e.g., they are in a lease they can’t break until later in the year)
Those above you no longer want military housing
Your position on the wait list may move down also. This is because even after you are on a wait list, assignment priority (i.e., control date and priority categorization) rules still apply for all applicants. This is to ensure fairness to those who receive short or late change PCS orders and minimizes the benefit for applying early. These shifts in wait list position will occur until you are in the “freeze zone.”
All wait lists have a “freeze zone”. The freeze zone is the top 10 percent of personnel on each wait list and freezes your position on the wait list from being lowered. Once you are in the freeze zone, no other personnel can jump your position on the wait list. The only exception to the freeze zone is for key and essential billets; all others with higher assignment priority than those in the freeze zone will fall directly below the freeze zone.
Have Questions? Visit our FAQs!
Courtesy Moves
Local moves, also known as courtesy or intra-station moves, are government-funded moves of household goods within the same city, town, or metropolitan area under authorized circumstances.
Local moves are most often authorized when family housing is not available for assignment following a PCS move, and Service Members must find temporary housing in the community until the family housing becomes available. Local moves may also be authorized when directed by competent authority on the basis of a service requirement. Local moves are not authorized for the Service Member’s convenience or morale. The Housing Service Center (HSC) works with the Service Member and their family to make the local move as easy as possible.
There are several different circumstances that may indicate eligibility for government assistance:
Local moves to or from government housing
Local moves to or from privatized housing
Temporary moves to and from government or privatized housing
Directed by competent authority to vacate local economy quarters
Other considerations include landlord foreclosure
Exceptions: The Commanding officer of the Installation has the authority to make exceptions to this policy that does not conflict with law or other regulations
It is important to contact your installation HSC for specific command eligibility and terms when you first arrive. Rejecting offers of military family housing may disqualify you from a future local move. This does not disqualify you from housing, just from a government-funded move.
Generally, Service Members must contact the installation HSC within 30 days of arrival to retain rights to a local move.
Required Documents for Military Housing Applications
Have Questions? Visit our FAQs!
Referral and Family Housing Operations
CNIC M 11103.1 CH-1 1 Aug 2019 – Navy Housing Referral Services
CNIC INST 11103.6B 3 Jun 2013– Navy Housing Furnishings Program
CNIC INST 11103.12 5 July 2012 – Navy Housing and Intra-Station Moves
Privatized Housing
CNIC NOTE 11101 1 Feb 2020 – Privatized Family Housing Move-In and Move-Out Policy - Related Policy: (Updated Status 21U010_11101)
CNIC NOTE 11101 4 Feb 2020 – Privatized Family Housing Oversight - Related Policy: (Updated Status 21U010_11101)
CNIC INST 11103.11A 11 Mar 2014 – Privatization of Navy Unaccompanied Housing
Unaccompanied Housing
CNIC M 11103.2 23 Jan 2019 – Unaccompanied Housing Operations Manual
CNIC INST 11103.13A 2 Oct 2017 – Unaccompanied Housing Resident Advisor Program
CNIC INST 11103.14A 7 Jan 2019 - Unaccompanied Housing Assignment Review Board
CNIC NOTE 11103 25 Mar 2022 - Unaccompanied Housing Inspection Program
CNIC INST 11103.10A 27 Aug 2021 – Navy Housing Requirements Determination Process
CNIC INST 11103.19 27 Aug 2021 Navy Housing Inventory and Utilization Management
CNIC INST 11103.20 15 Dec 2021 – Basic Allowance for Housing Data Collection
SECNAVINST 5100.13F 2 Dec 2020 – Navy Marine Corps Tobacco Policy
* Please Note: Additional local and regional policy may further clarify and expand on CNIC N93 policy list above. Contact your local Navy Housing Service Center for more information on local policy.
Moving Resources:
Housing Allowance:
Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act:
Additional Resources:
Navy Housing Policy, Forms & Resources
Application for Assignment to Housing – DD Form 1746
Sex Offender Policy Acknowledgement & Disclosure Form
PPV Issue Resolution Process Flyer
MHPI Tenant Bill of Rights
CNIC Instruction 11101.3 PPV Dispute Resolution
Rental Partnership Program (RPP) Application Package
House Hunting Tips
Conduct Thorough Inspection Before Moving Into New Rental
Protect Your Rights As A Renter
Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) - Lease Termination
Virginia Code Early Termination of Lease
Virginia Residential Landlord and Tenant Act
Moving Resources:
DoD Household Goods Portal
Housing Allowance:
Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)
BAH Calculator
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Overview
OHA Calculator
Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act:
General Information
Frequently Asked Questions
School Information:
See your local area housing locations for information.
Additional Resources:
Navy-wide Housing Public Private Ventures Resource
Required Documents for Navy Housing Application
If you are applying to Navy-owned or privatized housing please make sure you provide the following documents to the HSC:
Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Orders stamped with the actual departure date, DUINS, or Change of Homeport Certificate (CHC)
Dependent certification documents which may include:
NAVPERS 1070/602: Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data Form (USN: Page 2, USMC, USA & USAF: DD Form 93, USCG: 4170), often referred to as a Page 2 or DD Form 93
DD1172: Application for Uniformed Services Identification Card, DEERS Enrollment
Overseas locations may use the member’s dependent entry approval message to verify the status of dependents
Custody Papers (for dependent children residing in home >6 months)
Dual Military: Provide documentation (orders & page 2) for spouse
Proof of Pregnancy with estimated due date noted by doctor
Power of Attorney (required if spouse or representative is completing application)