Personal Financial Management Programs - Financial Literacy Touchpoints
The following curriculums are designed to meet financial readiness Common Military Training (CMT) requirements as outlined in DTM 19-009. The CMT requirements provide service members the common knowledge, skills, and behavior standards to enable them to manage their financial affairs in a manner that enhances financial readiness. These trainings are associated with milestones, or Touchpoints, in an individual's professional or personal life.
- First Duty Station
This touchpoint training is designed to help sailors better understand a variety of personal financial management issues as they begin their military careers.
- Permanent Change of Stations
Moving often means adjusting to change and starting new routines. This is especially true for finances. This course will help optimize resources and strategize ways to complete a move without breaking the budget
- Promotion
Career advancement is a great time to hit the pause button and review your finances to set yourself up for a more successful, prosperous future. This course will help you organize your finances and make the most of a promotion|
- Vesting in the Thrift Savings Plan
Congratulations on completing two years of service. You are now vested in the TSP. Vesting means that you have met the service requirement to keep automatic and matching contributions that have been made to your TSP account by the government whenever you separate or retire from military service. This course will provide you with additional information on how this milestone can enhance your financial future.
- Entitlement to Continuation Pay
This touchpoint training is an opportunity to understand what Continuation Pay is, how to apply for it, and how best to use it.
- Marriage
This course will prepare you to set goals, establish priorities, develop a family financial plan and organize your finances to adjust to your new life as a married person.
- Welcoming Your First Child
For most service members, a new child means changes, especially to your finances. This course is designed to help organize finances efficiently and prepare for the changes that come with the birth or adoption of a child.
- Preparing for Divorce
Divorce is stressful life event in many ways. This training will help reduce the stress and uncertainity associated with the financial aspects of divorce.
- Disabling Sickness or Condition
It can be incredibly overwelming if you or a family member - whether child or adult - experiences a disabling sickness or condition. The course will cover several key financial tasks to consider once a disability is discovered.
- Leadership Training
Financial readiness is mission readiness. Understanding your role as a leader in helping service members manage their finances including information, tools and resources will be reviewed in this training.
- Pre-Deployment Preparation
Deployments can be stressful. Having an effective financial plan will help you to remain focused on the mission and ease your return home. This course will help prepare you for deployment and teach you how to take advantage of certain opportunities to improve your finances while deployed.
- Post-Deployment
Developing a financial plan following deployment is as important as financial planning at other points in life. This course will help you develop an effective financial plan and be aware of financial tasks post-deployment.